Tie Plate Gager
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Tie Plate Gager

  • Self Propelled Tie Plate Gager
  • (Fully Automated Mode, tethered remote)
  • Machine to index in work mode on 4 ply type rubber wheels
  • Diesel Engine powered
  • In Fully Automated Mode, the operator will simply walk along with machine only stopping for plates missed due to poor tie conditions.
  • Machine will travel and (with limit switches and /or proximity sensors) find tie edge and cycle automatically and then move to the next set of three ties.
  • In Manual Mode, the operator will cycle the plate arm manually at walking speed using tethered remote.  (Forward, Reverse, Stop, Cycle)
  • Machine will cycle out and drag three tie plates into gage plate and into position.
  • Hydraulic cylinder extension with three independent gage plates to catch tie plates and move into position (adjustable for different plates)
  • Machine to be towable via wheels for towing mode.
  • Gage of pregaging to be adjustable with hydraulic cylinder
  • BNSF Tow Eye and Bumpers
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